Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Does BV Clear Up On Its own?

Bv is a condition which occurs due to an imbalance of the naturally occurring bacteria in the vagina. In our vagina there are both good as well as bad bacteria. The good bacteria normally are larger in number as compared to the bad or harmful ones. Whenever this equation is disturbed (ie) the harmful bacteria increase and multiply rapidly in numbers an imbalance occurs resulting in bacterial vaginosis.

Does bv clear up on its own? Yes it is possible that bv clears up on its own. Since the root cause of the condition is an imbalance of bacteria, once the balance is restored bv will be gone. If this happens naturally then the condition will clear up on its own.

To figure out how to get rid of bv fast you must take simple steps to restore the natural balance of the vagina.

To restore the natural pH balance of vagina taking care of the vagina itself is of prime importance. Here are some of the do’s and don’t’s in this regard

a) Clothes and undergarments

Tight fit clothes and underwear made of synthetic material makes us sweat more in the groin and vaginal area. Moist conditions create a perfect environment for the vaginosis causing bacteria to thrive. Hence it is best to wear loose fit clothes and cotton underwear.

b) Public hair

To avoid accumulation of sweat in and around the vagina make sure to trim your public hair frequently.

c) Perfumed products

Use of perfumed pads, tampons, soaps and body wash often causes vaginal irritation since these contain harmful chemicals. These chemicals can upset the ph balance of the vagina too. Hence abstain from using these in case you are susceptible to vaginal infections.

d) Sex

It is a myth that intercourse is responsible for vaginal infections in general. Sexual intercourse does not cause vaginosis. BV Vaginosis is not a sexually transmitted disease.

However having multiple sexual partners can contribute to recurring bv condition. The pH balance of the vagina is acidic in nature while the male semen is alkaline. Combining the flora with multiple sex partners often causes an imbalance of the vaginal pH level. This is one of the most common reasons for women suffering from bacterial vaginosis repeatedly.

While suffering from vaginosis it is best to abstain from having sexual relations. This is just to prevent bacterial vaginosis from spreading further and worsening your condition. This is not a remedy which will help you to stay away from vaginosis.

e) Practice safe sex

Make use of condoms and always have protected sex. This will automatically reduce the risk of getting vaginosis. The chance of the male semen coming in contact with the vagina is greatly reduced when you make use of condoms.

Make use of latex, polyurethane or condom made of synthetic material whenever you have sex. This is because condoms made of natural materials do not offer protection against STDs.

f)Sex toys

It is foolish to share sex toys. If it is absolutely essential for you to share, then ensure that it is washed and completely cleaned between uses. In fact it is best to get it sterilized after every use. Sharing of toys with someone already suffering from vaginosis without cleaning it will result in bv being automatically passed on.

The exact cause of vaginosis can never be ascertained for sure. In fact the cause of bv can vary from person to person. What we can do for sure though is to take steps to prevent bacterial vaginosis and adopt simple measures to keep vaginosis at bay. Here are some of the other lifestyle changes you can adopt to help bv clear up by itself

a) Fasting which helps to cleanse the whole body. For a day eat only fresh organically grown fruits and vegetables. The high fiber content present in raw food will help to eliminate all the harmful toxins accumulated in the body.

b) Secondly if you have a sweet tooth you must reduce your intake of sweets. Sugar tends to feed the bacteria responsible for this infection and hence must be consumed in moderate quantities only.

Bacterial vaginosis is not a life threatening condition. It can be cured completely and safely if detected in the initial stages. In fact by taking certain preventive measures you can avoid getting bv or reduce its symptoms in severity. However it is important to treat the condition if it does not clear up within a week or so. This is because if left untreated for long it can increase the chances of a woman developing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Research has also indicated that bv can increase a woman’s risk of getting or spreading HIV if left untreated.

Do you want to know how to get rid of bv fast? Did you know that

a) There is a proven all natural technique which will help you to get rid of bacterial vaginosis in a matter of under 3 days

b) This technique has effectively saved the sex life of thousands of women the world over including me. Having been developed by a chronic vaginosis sufferer, this scientifically proven method will permanently relieve embarrassing vaginal odor in just 3 days. To know more details on this please click here

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