Friday 22 August 2014

Can BV Clear Up On Its Own – How Long Will It Take for BV To Go Away Completely?

Bv or bacterial vaginosis for short often clears up on its own. This is particularly true in case of women who are healthy and young. This is because as we age our body’s natural defense mechanism will not be as strong as it used to be when we were younger. As we age we become susceptible to infections fast. In addition to age certain other factors can also prevent bv from clearing up on its own fast. These include

1. In case of women who are overweight
2. Weak body immunity
3. Excessive sugar consumption
4. Unhealthy eating habits
5. Inadequate sleep
6. Stress- physical and mental
7. Diabetes
8. Yeast infection

The above factors basically alter the natural pH balance of the vagina causing bv. To enable your body to restore this vaginal pH balance and clear up bv on its own you must find an answer to the question how to get rid of bv naturally without making use of any medications.

The thing about antibiotics and medicines used to treat bv is that they do nothing to eliminate the root cause of the problem (ie) imbalance of the vagina pH balance. Medicines merely provide relief from bv symptoms. Once the medicine effect wears off bv reappears.

Majority of medicines for bv kill not only the harmful bacteria which causes bv but also the good ones which are naturally present and required in a healthy vagina. Hence medicines normally do not provide permanent relief from Bv.

Here are some useful tips on how to get rid of bv naturally

1. To get rid of bv naturally the first thing you must do is to eat only healthy food. This means eliminating processed, junk fast food from your diet completely. Sugar and sweets in general feed the bacteria responsible for bv. Hence cut down sugar consumption as far as possible. Organic sugar is as bad as the inorganic one so reduce your sugar intake if you really want to bid farewell to bv.
Include at least 3-4 servings of fresh vegetables and fruits in your meals. If possible eat these in raw form. In case you are allergic to raw foods you can steam or stir fry it.

2.Consuming 2-3 cups of yogurt daily is very useful for keeping a whole lot of diseases away. Specifically for treating bv in addition to oral consumption you can apply yogurt directly on the vaginal area with a view to cleanse it and reduce inflammation. Yogurt contains the same beneficial bacteria which is required in a healthy vagina and hence is really effective natural cure for bv.

3.Applying tea tree oil and garlic are also very effective remedies to get rid of this condition. Both have strong anti bacterial and anti fungal properties. However while using tea tree oil bear in mind the fact that it must always be diluted before use. Garlic can be consumed orally in raw form or included in cooked dishes like soups, vegetables etc. Garlic can also be inserted into the vagina for clearing up bv fast.

4.Pay attention to vaginal hygiene. Do not keep washing the vagina thinking that this will help clear up bv fast. When you frequently wash the vagina all the naturally present lubricants in the vagina gets washed away. Hence wash only 2-3 times a day with plain water and dry yourself completely. Moist conditions are ideal breeding ground for bv causing bacteria to thrive in. With a view to keep the vagina dry and moisture free wear comfortable cotton underwear instead of synthetic ones. At least till your bv clears up avoid wearing tight fitting jeans, trousers or pantyhose.

5.A very simple thing you can do to restore the natural vagina flora is to add a few drops of pure, organic apple cider vinegar into bath tub. Not only will it help clear up bv it will also provide you relief from itching and inflammation caused due to bv.

6.Aloe vera extract is also recommended by natural medicine practitioners for treating bv. For making of this remedy extract pulp of the aloe vera leaves and use it for direct vaginal application.

7.Another effective natural cure for bacterial vaginosis is wheat grass juice. To make use of this juice you must soak a tampon in fresh wheat grass juice. Insert the tampon and let it remain inside the vagina overnight for best results

Bv is not a life threatening disease. Taking a few precautions, adopting a healthy lifestyle and following basic principles of vaginal hygiene can all go a long way to help bv clear up by itself.

I sincerely hope that the above natural cures work for you to get rid of bv. In case you are a chronic sufferer of bv, you may be frustrated and looking out for reliable bacterial vaginosis BV cures that can provide you permanent relief from this condition. In fact you must consider trying out the exact remedy which has helped thousands of women get rid of this condition safely, surely and permanently. To know more about this remedy please click here


  1. Like so many other conditions, bacterial vaginosis can be controlled by your dietary choices, home remedies for bacterial vaginosis

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey, I suffered from BV for A YEAR+. That means smelling fishy every other day, having discharge, and being INSECURE AF for a YEAR STRAIGHT.

    1. Coconut Oil/Tea Tree/Lavendar Oil SUPPOOSITORIES. (Mix melted Cold-Pressed Coconut Oil in with 10 Drops of EACH essential oil and insert in an ice tray or a mold made with your finger and aluminum foil.)

    2. Insert a suppository in your vagay-gay EVERY morning and EVERY night. (Stick it UP THERE)

    3. DON’T EAT ANY PROCESSED SUGAR. PERIOD. No bread. No pasta. No NOTHING. If it’s not a FRUIT or a’re risking it. Period.

    4. Take shots of Apple Cider Vinegar EVERY morning and EVERY night to help balance your pH. Dilute with water..or you’ll burn your esophagus. Lol

    5. Continue this treatment LONG AFTER you think you’re better..because guess’re really NOT.

    6. To KEEP the bacterial infection away..just gone head and insert 1 suppository every night. It won’t hurt you.

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